About Me

cw-admin-sarahHi hi, my name is Sarah from San Diego, CA. This blog is about my travels, adventures, food, and me learning to be a tourist in San Diego.

I consider myself a world traveler having to traveled South Korea, Singapore, Cambodia, and France just to name a few. I majored in Asian Studies and have traveled to many Asian countries (and some countries that are not in Asia).


The name Green After the Rain. I’m from sunny San Diego, and we don’t get rain very often. As you drive away from the beautiful San Diego coast, you will start seeing dessert like conditions. Hills are bare and brown most of the year. So when it finally rains, I get super excited because that is when the hills turn green.

My friend V, Me, and my Sister Y jumping for joy to start our adventure.

My friend V, Me, and my Sister Y jumping for joy to start our adventure.


  1. Perfect photo to kick off an awesome trip! I’m so glad we e-met on here – I’m excited to check out your adventures, Sarah!

    1. Hi Andrea. It’s nice to e-meet you too. I love reading about your adventures and hopefully I’ll be able to make it Busan next time I’m in South Korea.

  2. The photo is perfect for your blog. Looking forward to your continual journey.

    1. Thank you Faraday! Please keep an eye out for my next posts, my sister is going to write about her recent trip.

  3. I know what you mean, I’m in Orange County and spring is my favorite part of the year when the hills are green from what little rain we get.

  4. fromdreamtoplan · · Reply

    Hi Sarah! Happy to have found your blog! I love the layout, the style the content…everything! I’ve read some of your posts and I can’t wait to read more! Looking forward to following you đŸ™‚

    Lisa | http://www.fromdreamtoplan.net/

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