Monthly Archives: April 2014

140405 Los Angeles Day (Food) Trip

Los Angeles Day (Food) Trip – 3 meals, 3 desserts, and more

Counted as my 4th trip to Los Angeles in 3 weeks, I headed up to LA with my cousins mainly to eat (and a little bit of shopping in between). We started in Santa Monica for brunch at Urth Caffe and straight to lunch in Little Osaka (Sewtelle) – yes 2 big meals back to […]

The Pizza Studio San Diego

Pizza Studio – Downtown San Diego

Yunti works in downtown San Diego, so when I’m in the area I call her up for lunch. I’ve been hearing about these “fast-casual pizza” places that are now popping up in San Diego and when I found myself in the area, I dragged Yunti with me. The Pizza Studio is located right next to […]


7 Hour Layover in San Francisco Before Going Home

And it was time to go home. After two weeks in South Korea, it was time to go home. We managed to each fill up our suitcases to the maximum weight allowed (from all the shopping we did), barely managed to get our suitcases into the car, and off to the airport to go home. Before […]

Mayday 五月天 Now-Here World Tour – Los Angeles

Trip number 3 of 4 to Los Angeles in 3 weeks. I went to the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena for a concert with Yunti and PengZi. Mayday (五月天) is a Taiwanese alt-rock band that debuted in 1999 and now celebrating their 15th birthday with their 2nd world tour. Los Angeles was their 82nd and final […]

Los Angeles Ramen Yokocho Festival 2014

The 2nd Annual Los Angeles Ramen Yokocho Festival took place last weekend March 28-29, 2014 at the Santa Anita Park. My cousin sent me a link about this event knowing I was going to be in LA for the Mayday concert, and this just could not be any more perfect. The concept is pretty simple; try as many bowls of ramen as possible. There were 14 different ramen restaurants from San Diego, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Japan.

La Jolla Cove and Children’s Pool Beach San Diego

Last year, I had a very special guest – Cyn from Creative Cynchronicity – come to San Diego (well she arrived when I was in South Korea but she was still in town when I came back) and this gave me the perfect opportunity to take her out to a couple of my favorite San […]

Wedding Photoshoot in Daejeon, South Korea

If it was not for my friend, Katie, I never would have made a trip to South Korea (at least not within the next couple of years). The moment she told me she was getting married, I decided that I was going to go to her wedding and of course be a part of the wedding as much as I could. And that meant making myself present at her wedding photo shoot too. Thank you Katie for letting me share your pictures, most of these pictures are taken by me but I have some of the official proofs to share as well.